Blood Irradiators & Research Irradiators
The RaycellTM Mk1 & Mk2 Blood Irradiators
Efficient, convenient and user friendly, the Raycell® Mk1 & Mk2 X-ray Blood Irradiator provides a safe and cost-effective choice for blood irradiation – backed by Best® Theratronics’ trusted expertise and commitment to quality. It delivers the required dose to help prevent TA-GVHD.
GammacellTM 1000 and 3000 Blood Irradiators
Primarily used for blood irradiation, the Gammacell® 1000 and 3000 are considered the "gold standard" in countless clinics throughout the world. Both machines have a highly developed user interface with various input devices including keyboards and bar code scanners.
The GammacellTM 40 Exactor Research
The Gammacell® 40 Exactor is designed to be a stand alone research irradiator. This low dose rate Research Irradiator is used in labs throughout the world to explore elements of cell biology, and advance the scientific study of various areas of cancer and stem cell research.
The GammabeamTM X200 Research Irradiator
The Gammabeam™ X200 is among the most versatile research irradiators available today. Suited to a broad spectrum of applications including secondary standards dosimetry, sterile
insect programs, and medical or veterinary research. The Best® Theratronics GBX200 is the latest in a long line of irradiators that researchers and clinicians have trusted and depended on for decades.
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